We all know that in every wedding accidents are bound to happen. But don’t despair, what separates a good wedding from a sad one is when you’re prepared for the worse. Pinch Provisions’ Minimergency® Kit For Bridesmaids is packed with solutions for those accidental moments.
A good wedding planner would likely keep things in check and have their own kit, but it’s always a good idea to prepare your maid of honor and bridesmaids for the worse. We came across the perfect wedding emergency kit for bridesmaids from Pinch Provisions that contains just about everything a bridesmaid needs to ward off those wedding mishaps. It’s called Minimergency® Kit For Bridesmaids and it’s available in 2 stunning colors that your bridesmaids will love.

It contains everything from
stain remover to mending kit.

Perfectly sized to fit into the
smallest bag or purse, the little pouches
are available in a variety of colours
to match your wedding theme.
You can get hold of the Minimergency® Kit For Bridesmaids, for the bride, groom and for every other day at Sephora.